we embarked on the second craziest adventure of our lives yesterday. the birth of our daughter lake stone murphy. our wolfpack is now complete.

we couldn't have asked for a more perfect way to welcome her to this plain of existence. at home. in water. supported by our fairy godmothers at one heart midwifery. they were able to make an already magical experience and make it even more meaningful. they allowed us to be present and enjoy the birth. there is no greater gift anyone could give us. 

mama wolf rocked the shit out of labor and brought the coolest little wolf pup into this world.

sorry if we're MIA for a while, but we'll be busy soaking in the love.


it's been a month since wolfy got here, so i thought it appropriate to share this little photo story of his birth. 

words can't express the range of emotions we experienced on november 10th this year.

first, i have to recognize ashley for what she went through and how she handled it. i already knew that she was strong, but watching her labor for two full days blew my mind. let's just say mother's day is going to be a VERY big deal in the murphy household. 

what you don't see in these selected pictures is that we were in the hospital for 72 hours. even though we went into it with a very specific birth plan (HA!), we couldn't be happier with the end result. he's here. he's healthy. he's the man.

adjusting to having a newborn has been an incredible experience.  the last month has felt like one long day, but it's been the best day of my life. just a series of intimate moments strung together by threadbare consciousness. we've never been happier.

happy one month of life, wolfy!


it was so surreal shooting these maternity photos for my growing family. 

we went to muir beach the day we found out we were expecting and from that moment on, our lives were changed and we will never be the same. we felt fortunate to do the shoot there one month before our "due" date. it's a very special place to our growing family and we're stoked to make more memories there with our little one.

i'm so proud of ash for everything she has done for our family over the past year and i can't wait to see her transition into motherhood.

she's a goddess.

thank god for tripods!

The McCain Family 2015