i'm honored to be one of rangefinder's top 30 of 2016.

i've watched the top 30 list come out every year since i started shooting weddings in 2011. i always wanted to be on it so badly. you can't imagine how surreal it was when i got the nomination email from libby (thanks, libby!). 

the guidelines were to tell a wedding story with 30 of your best images. going through 5 years of weddings (over 300) was one of the toughest edits i've ever done (thanks for your help, ash). i had to be brutal in choosing between some of my favorite photos of my career. below is the submission that i sent in after i was nominated.

huge thanks to: my amazing wife ash for believing in me at the beginning (and paying rent for so long), my family for putting up with multiple career changes until i found something that felt right, my early couples who took a chance with me, my current and future couples for continuing to inspire me AND finally rangefinder for this immense recognition.

congrats to all of my fellow honorees. i'm stoked to be amongst all of you.