it's been a month since wolfy got here, so i thought it appropriate to share this little photo story of his birth. 

words can't express the range of emotions we experienced on november 10th this year.

first, i have to recognize ashley for what she went through and how she handled it. i already knew that she was strong, but watching her labor for two full days blew my mind. let's just say mother's day is going to be a VERY big deal in the murphy household. 

what you don't see in these selected pictures is that we were in the hospital for 72 hours. even though we went into it with a very specific birth plan (HA!), we couldn't be happier with the end result. he's here. he's healthy. he's the man.

adjusting to having a newborn has been an incredible experience.  the last month has felt like one long day, but it's been the best day of my life. just a series of intimate moments strung together by threadbare consciousness. we've never been happier.

happy one month of life, wolfy!